Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Rotational Inertia and Figure Skating

As you can see in the video, the figure skater spins slower while her arms and leg are extended out, and gains speed as she pulls her limbs in closer to her torso. What causes this change?

Rotational inertia allows an object to resist changes in spinning or circular motion. The factor that affects rotational inertia is not the AMOUNT of mass of the object, but rather the DISTRIBUTION of mass and its location on the object.

That being said, when mass is closer to the axis of rotation the object will have a smaller rotational inertia (easier to move). And when mass is further from the axis of rotation, the object will have a larger inertia (harder to move).

In terms of the ice skater…

While her arms are extended out, her mass is further from the axis of rotation, thus yielding a larger inertia. With the larger rotational inertia, she will move slower. As she brings her arms and leg towards her body, she is bringing her mass closer to the axis of rotation, resulting in a smaller rotational inertia. Hence, she spins faster.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Great video and analysis Stafford. I liked the video because it related to a real life application that I could easily use on a problem in future assessments. I liked the analysis because it was really organized and straight forward. I don't see anything else that could of been added to this resource. I hope future post are as concise and interesting as this one.
