Friday, March 6, 2015

Mousetrap car, you don't go very far...

We were assigned to build a mousetrap car which could travel a distance of five meters. This project was very challenging, but at the end our car ended up going 5.21 seconds in five meters. 

We hot glued to mouse trap to a wooden platform, and attached axels on the back and front by drilling holes and securing them with eye bolts. We fastened a colored pencil to the trap as our lever arm, and attached the string from the pencil to the back axel using zip ties. When the string is would around the back axel, the lever arm pulls the string forwards, and the back wheels move with it. 


àNewton’s First Law
Newton’s First Law states that objects in motion will stay in motion and objects at rest stay at rest until an unbalanced force acts upon it. According to this law, the car would supposedly stay in motion forever, however friction acts on the wheels causing it to stop eventually.

àNewton’s Second Law
Newton’s Second Law states that acceleration is directly proportional to force, and is indirectly proportional to mass. In terms of our car, if we had a larger force causing it to move, it will have a larger acceleration. This also means that the more mass the car has, the harder it will be to accelerate.

àNewton’s Third Law
Newton’s Third Law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, the action reaction pair is the car pushing the ground backwards, and the ground pushing the car forwards

Friction is caused by weight and quality of the surface. The first time we rolled our car, we noticed that the wheels weren’t gripping to the ground like they should have been. In order to remedy this, we applied a few layers of electrical tape so that the wheels would have more traction and would move better across the floor. Although we wanted friction on our wheels, we didn’t want it on our axel. We applied vaseline to the axel to get the string to pull off more easily with less resistance. Both of these small changes related to friction helped the car move more efficiently.

àWheel size
Originally, we had two large wheels made of CD’s in the back, and two very small wheels in the front. Even though all of the wheels moved well and were stable, the difference in size of the two sets of wheels were an issue. Both sets of wheels had the same rotational velocity, or number of revolutions per second. However, the back wheels had a smaller tangential velocity than the front wheels, because they are larger. The smaller front wheels had a larger tangential velocity in order to cover a much larger distance to keep up with the back wheels. Since the front wheels were spinning so much, they weren’t really taking the car anywhere. We decided to replace the small wheels with larger ones, which solved the problem and helped the car travel another 2.5 meters.

àLever arm
The lever arm was attached to the mousetrap, and essentially is what made the car go. A torque is factor that causes an object to rotate.
Torque=lever arm x force
Essentially, we want a smaller lever arm, because this will cause the force to be greater, which will propel the car forward faster. Furthermore, the lever arm increases the time and distance that the force is acting on the axel. However, I you have very large wheels, you must have a longer lever arm since you will have a large rotational inertia

àConservation of energy
It is important to remember that energy can be neither created nor destroyed. It can however, be converted into different types of energy such as kinetic (movement) and potential (position) energy. When the car was at rest, it had a certain amount of potential energy. Then when the car started speeding up, some of that potential energy was gradually turned into kinetic energy. As the car slowed down, some of its kinetic energy changed back to potential energy. However, the amount of energy remained the same the whole time.

àWork calculation
Interestingly enough, the car was actually not doing work before, during, or after if moved. We know that work equals force times distance. But it is very important to remember that force and distance must be in the same direction in order for work to be done. The spring acting downwards on the car is not work, because the car moves forwards.


As stated earlier, the only drastic design change was switching small wheels out for larger ones. Smaller things like adjusting lever arm attachments, and dealing with friction were other things we did to improve the car.

The biggest problem with our car was when in the beginning, it would not go in a line, but rather in a complete circle. This was because one of the back wheels wasn’t touching the ground completely when it rolled. To fix this, we applied a few layers of tape around the wheel to make it taller. We also added a little weight to the side. These fixes corrected the turn, and we finally got the car to move down the hallway.

If I were to do this project again, I would research more and develop a solid plan before beginning. We didn’t really know what we were doing at first, and more organized planning would have benefited us greatly in the end. 

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